Yom Kippour War

Sunday, November 28, 2021

How too paint eichentarn or Oak leaf uniform camo

 If you are like me I have had problem trying to re-create this uniform scheme.  Most of the time I just stop. The repainted them the basic German gray-green.  This video should help. Give the author a thumbs up. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Video of Salute 2021

 Looks like there was not a big turn out. But if you couldn't attend.  Here is a video of it.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Empress New Wild West stage coach and figures.

 Empress miniature is on a roll with producing new minis.  The later is a Wild West stage coach with riders. It is really nice looking.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Wargames new epic Napoleonic British troops

 I am really tempted to purchase these tiny troop.  Here is a video on painting them..


Happy Thanksgiving

 Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.  So enjoy that Turkey, ham or whatever is your favorite Thanksgving day meal.   God Bless you all

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

New 28mm ARVN troops from Empress Miniature

 Empire Miniature has an impressive ranges of miniatures.  Not sure who carries these miniatures in the US.  The range is sculpted by Paul Hicks.. The miniatures are schedule for release shortly.  If you are interested in these ARVN troops. I would keep an eye on the Empress website.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

histroicon 2021 video

 This con has been on my buck list for 30years. Still have made it and I'm 73. This video is full of amazing games and terrain.   Here is the video.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

USN Dazzle paint schemes for WW2 naval vessel.

 I been a fan for General Quarters rules for years.  But a last have not played the rules in a long time. Found this webstie the has all the dazzle schemes. 

General Quarters 3 is available  in PDF from here: Old Dominion Games 

The Dazzle website can be found here: 

Example of scheme info

Another example of info

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Since my buddy Anton has started collecting a Prussian Army. The Perry Brothers have responded

 I beginning to believe the Perry Brother's are following my good friend Anton's blog.  Anton is basically a wild Prussian at Heart.   In the past month he has started a Prussian Army in 28mm..

The Perry's have response with these beauty 1809 Prussian Cavalry unit.

Monday, November 15, 2021

WTJ Store provider of 1/3000 and other scales.

 While trolling my facebook page.  I found the company that makes amazing resin printed warships.  The do take paypal.  Here is the link to the website. WTJ ships

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Prussian 3 up cavalry by Perry

 Looks like my buddy Anton will have cav for his Prussian army.   When is the question as these figures have just been sent for tooling.  The Perry Brothers are the big force in being back 28mm Napoleonic gaming.   

Painted ‘3up’ Russian and Prussian cavalry
For those who didn’t attend Salute here’s what we had in the cabinet plus a few more along with a few samples of the command, again ‘3ups’. The set will allow you to build not only Russian and Prussian Dragoons but also Russian Mounted Jager regiments and detachments of Prussian Mounted Volunteer Jager. The Prussian regiments will be able to be represented in Kollett or Litewka. There will be a large variety of options for poses too, more than any other Napoleonic cavalry set we’ve done so far. There will be 14 mounted figures in the set.
These are in tooling. There’s no release date at the moment.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

1809 Saxons released by the Perry Brothers

 Yo Anton.  Perry Miniature has looked at your Prussian Army. So they brought out 1809 Saxon to join

NEW! 1809 Saxon Infantry
As promised here are the 1809 Saxon Infantry. They’re quite different from their 1806 counterparts in that their knapsacks are now supported by two shoulder straps in the middle of the back, the lapels at the front have been hooked down the front as far as possible, high collars added (both to follow ‘modern’ fashion and to give a little more protection from the cold) and overalls have now been adopted as standard. NCO’s have also handed in their polearms.
Napoleonic Saxon Army
28mm metal figures
Designed by Alan Perry
SAX 13 Musketeer command marching 1809
SAX 14 Musketeers marching 1809
SAX 15 Grenadier command marching 1809
SAX 16 Grenadiers marching 1809
SAX 17 Schützen skirmishing 1809

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Saga 2.0 Age of Arthur

 Looks like the Latest version of Arthur Saga has been released.   I remember when the Version 2 Saga rule had been officially released.  A lot of people hated the version. Finding people who played Saga in my area was hard.  Most are died in the wool Warlords Caesar player. Or DBA from Phil Barker area.   

  Have invested in Saga only to have the rule become shelf dust queens.   I not ready to throw more cash in the Saga blackhole.   But is a review of  Age of Invasion.  Let me know what you think.