Oh no, I couldn't resist.... VSF British trooper... Future Campaign? Perfect for IHMN. They also have bloody walkers too....... I'm weak now broke....
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Monday, October 31, 2016
Chaps who would like to be King (Artizan design miniatures)
As everyone knows you can't play any colonial or VSF with out great leaders. Seam Connery, Peter O'Toole inspired in their roles in The man who would king. It was a great movie in 1975 on the big screen. Peachy Carnehan (Micheal Caine), Daniel "Danny" Dravot (Connery) and the Gurkha soldier who goes by the name of Billy Fish (Saeed Jaffrey).
I have to have these gentlemen in my forces. Artizan made this possible with the set figures call Chaps who would be king, My paypal account screamed not more bloody 28mm lead soldier... Lucky for Brigade Games had them in stock...... My finger hit the pay button.. Well the rest is history. If you want check the link.... Be warned they are more VSF figures there.
Chaps who would king
I have to have these gentlemen in my forces. Artizan made this possible with the set figures call Chaps who would be king, My paypal account screamed not more bloody 28mm lead soldier... Lucky for Brigade Games had them in stock...... My finger hit the pay button.. Well the rest is history. If you want check the link.... Be warned they are more VSF figures there.
Chaps who would king
How to make awesome trees for your gaming table.
Found this on a facebook terrain page. Using floral moss you can make some real nice trees. Hope you enjoy this post.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Wet blending with Vallejo paints
Looks like a good video on how to wet blend paints. Nothing like a few good points on how to do.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Paint mix for the new British North west frontier miniature for Rafa
There has been an on going questions of what is the correct color of khaki. I had post on the Perry Brothers facebook asking this questions. Their respond was they didn't know. One of the people on that facebook suggested to go to the painter blog. The painter is Rafa Archiuque. I own his Painting War book on the Napoleonic French. Rafa was kind enough to get me is mix.
Hi Gary
Thanks I glad you like it my paintwork and my book!
Uniform color:
Base Flat Earth 983+Brown Sand 876
1 Light Brown Sand
2 Light Brown Sand+Iraqui Sand 819

Hi Gary
Thanks I glad you like it my paintwork and my book!
Uniform color:
Base Flat Earth 983+Brown Sand 876
1 Light Brown Sand
2 Light Brown Sand+Iraqui Sand 819

Thursday, October 27, 2016
Rules for Walkers and Steam tanks for In Her Majestys Name from the author
I had a question of Walker and Steam tank. For possible used in "Men who would be kings" for a VSF twist. Here is a reply by the author. Craig answers any questions on quickly on the facebook pages based on his rules.
SDRS is Sleeping Dragon, Rising Sun, a companion to IHMN. Looks like I need to purchase another books.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
In Her majesty's name blog.
Here is a link to the authors blogs. There is a lot of good information posted there. Check out the files.
In Her Majesty's Name
Also there is a very active facebook page. If you have questions just posted. Someone will help find an answer.
In Her Majesty Name.
In Her Majesty's Name
Also there is a very active facebook page. If you have questions just posted. Someone will help find an answer.
In Her Majesty Name.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Fowler Traction Engine rules for The Men who would be Kings.
The was posted on the" The Men who would be king" facebook page. If you want to use the Traction engine with your troop. Now you can.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
28mm Zepplin anyone..
Found this amazing Zeppelin in 28mm. This would be great for In her majesty service. Crossover Games has a kickstarter for a 28mm scale MDF Zeppelin kit. The model is the bottom half of the Zepplein, it is 73” long and comes in four modular sections. Perfect for Great War spy, Pulp and Superhero gaming. Kickstarter linkZeppelin
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Uniform Colors for Colonial Brits
These guides are from the Perry Brother site. Nice quick reference for painting. More can be found on their Website.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Stream tractor anyone for The Men who would kings.
On the face book page The Men who would be kings I found this. Yes an Armor stream tractor that was used for the Boer Wars.... Maybe next month I will add this to my British forces.. Second Boer war could be very interesting.
Friday, October 14, 2016
My British Troops arrived from the Warstore.
This my troops for upcoming campaign arrived. Warstore carries Perry Brother miniatures in stock. This is bad for me, why because it is just a order click away. Also in the mail is a package from Brigade miniatures. They carry Artizian miniature that I need. As I paint these new Brits. There will be an order for the Pulp Fiction and In her majesty service figures. Below you will my new toys.... One does need the Black watch for any great battle...
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
British it is for The Men who would be Kings up coming campaign.
After talking with Anton on the up coming campaign I picked the British. As that everyone had pick their or should I say from they last big campaign. Need to order the new Perry British troops as a start.
On the face book page Anton Boot from the Netherlands inspired me with his army.
Now off to order my British...
On the face book page Anton Boot from the Netherlands inspired me with his army.
Now off to order my British...
Monday, October 10, 2016
The men who would be Kings rule set.
I had pre-ordered these rules back in July. They arrived in the post just before I left for vacation. Basically I had a quick for at the rules. In some ways the play is similar to Blood Eagle and Daisho. These rules are what my current interest is in. Basically because I have the figures already purchased.
I think these rules can be pushed into the Pulp fiction era. So 1930 at the tops. A little of Indiana Jones type of game play. I your interested there is a Face Book page for the rule set.The Men who would be Kings
The author post on the link below. The Dux Rampant Forum. Scroll down a little ways to find the correct forum.
Dux Rampant
I hope people will post here are what they think about the rules...
I think these rules can be pushed into the Pulp fiction era. So 1930 at the tops. A little of Indiana Jones type of game play. I your interested there is a Face Book page for the rule set.The Men who would be Kings
The author post on the link below. The Dux Rampant Forum. Scroll down a little ways to find the correct forum.
Dux Rampant
I hope people will post here are what they think about the rules...
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