Today I'm posting a link to the flags of hundred years war. English army of Crecy and many more. The flag were made by Rune Kramer. Now you can match your units with their flags.
Below is the link to all the flags.
Hundred year Flags
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Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Great video on Operation Deepfreeze.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Guide for painting English Livery & Badges for the War of Roses time frame
Having been inspired by Saxon Dogs painted English archer. I did a search on units uniform colors. This is what I found on TMP. A pretty good list for painting English Livery & Badges. If you haven't seen what Saxon Dog has done with the Warhammer Bretonnia Archers. Well it is amazing.
Edward Neville, Lord Abergavenny [d.1476] – green and white
William Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel [d.1487] – red and white
John Touchet, Lord Audley [d.1490] – yellow and red
John, Viscount Beaumont [d.1460] – white
William, 7th Lord Berkeley [active until at least 1483] – red
John Bouchier, Lord Berners [d.1474] – yellow and green
Humphrey Stafford, Duke of Buckingham [d.1460] – black and red
(also Henry Stafford d. of Buckingham, d.1483).
Sir Thomas Burgh/Borough of Gainsborough [d.1496] – blue
George, Duke of Clarence [d.1478] – murrey and blue
Thomas, Lord Clifford [d.1455] – white
Brooke, Lord Cobham [Edward d. 1464, John d. 1515] – black and red
Sir Marmaduke Constable [d. 1518] – red
Sir John Conyers [d.1490?] – white
Sir Richard Croft [d.1509] – white and blue
Randolf/Ranulph Lord Dacre of Gilsland [d.1461] – four stripes barry yellow and blue
Sir Richard Fiennes, Lord Dacre of the South [d.1483] – white
Thomas Courtney, Earl of Devon [1st, d.1458, 2nd d.1461] – red
Digby family – blue
Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset [d.1501] – white and dark red [murrey]
(also known as 3rd Lord Grey, 8th Lord Ferrers, Earl of Huntingdon in 1471, Marquis of Dorset in 1475)
Edward, Earl of March/Edward IV [d.1483] – murrey and blue
Edward, Prince of Wales [d.1471] – red and black
Henry Bouchier, Earl of Essex [1st d.1483, 2nd d.1529] – black and green
Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter [d.1475] – white and red
William Neville, Lord Fauconberg, Earl of Kent [d.1463] – white and blue
Walter Devereaux, 7th Baron Ferrers [d.1485] – white and red
Sir Edward Grey, 2nd Lord Grey, 7th Lord Ferrers of Groby [d.1461] – green
Sir John Radcliffe, Lord Fitzwalter [d.1461] – blue
William Bourchier, Lord Fitzwaurin or Fitz-Warine [still active 1469] – white and red [?]
Henry Lord Grey of Codnor [d.1496] – red and green
Edmund, Lord Grey of Ruthin and Earl of Kent in 1465 [d.1490] – red
Sir James Harrington [d.after 1497] – black [?]
William, Lord Hastings [d.1483] – dark red [or purple] and blue
Henry VI [d.1471] – white and blue
Henry VII – white and green
William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke [d.1469] – blue and red
John Howard, Duke of Norfolk [d.1485] – red
Thomas Howard [d.1524] – red and white
Thomas Talbot, Viscount Lisle or L'Isle [d.1470] – blue
Robert, 3rd Lord Hungerford and Lord Molynes [d.1464] – red and green
Francis, Viscount Lovell [died after 1487?] – blue and yellow
Thomas Fitzalan, Lord Maltravers, 12th Earl of Arundel in 1487 [d.1524] – black
John Neville, Lord Montague, earl of Northumberland 1464-1470 [d.1471] – red and black
Walter Blount, Lord Mountjoy – blue
John Neville 2nd Earl of Westmoreland [d.1461] – black and red
John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk [Ist d.1461, 2nd d.1476] – blue and red
Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland [2nd earl d.1455, 3rd earl d.1461, 4th earl d.1489] – red and black
John De Vere, Earl of Oxford [Ist d. 1462, 2nd d. 1512] – orange or orange tawney
John Paston [d.1479] – red
Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke [d.1495] – white and green
Edward Poynings [active in 1485] – red
Richard of Gloucester/Richard III [d.1485] – murrey and blue
Anthony Woodville, Earl Rivers and Lord Scales [d.1483] – green [but noted as blue and tawney at a tournament of 1478]
Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers [d.1491] – green
Thomas, Lord Roos [d.1464] – blue and yellow
Edmund, Earl of Rutland [d.1460] – murrey and blue
Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury, 2nd Earl of Westmoreland, [d.1460] – red and black
John, Lord Scrope of Bolton [d. 1498] – white
John Talbot, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury [1st d. 1460, 2nd d. 1473] – red and black
Henry Beaufort, Duke of Somerset [d.1464] – white and blue
Thomas, Lord Stanley later Earl of Derby [d.1504] – orange tawney and green
William Stanley [d.1495] – red
John De La Pole, Duke of Suffolk [d.1491] – blue and yellow
Humphrey Talbot [active until at least 1483] – black and white
Rhys Ap Thomas 'The Raven' [active until at least 1485] – white
Richard Tunstall [d.1491] – black and white [?]
Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick [d.1471] – red
Lionel, 6th Lord Welles [d.1461] – black and red?
John, Lord Wenlock [d.1471] – white
Henry Willoughby – blue
Robert, Lord Willoughby [d.1501] – red and white
Richard, Duke of York [d.1460]- blue and white
John, Lord Zouche [d.1526] – black and murrey [murrey and purple were often confused]
Town contingents and militias:
1455 Coventry – green and red
1461 Rye – red
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Flesh washes for your miniatures
Early last year I dropped my bottle on good old Citadel flesh wash. The one in the old hexagonal bottle. This was the best flesh wash around. The bad part it has been OOP for years. Lately I have been trying to find a replacement that comes close. Paint du colour wash for flesh is blah. The army painter wash is so-so. The new Wargames Workshop Reikland wash is not bad. But I still am trying to find the perfect flesh tone wash. On TMP I read posted article on Flesh washes. Here is the link:Comparing Flesh washes.
If anyone out there has their favorite wash. Please post your suggest in the comments on this article below.
Here is a tip. I found if added a drop of Vallejo glaze in my watered down flesh wash. The wash flows better.
If anyone out there has their favorite wash. Please post your suggest in the comments on this article below.
Here is a tip. I found if added a drop of Vallejo glaze in my watered down flesh wash. The wash flows better.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Another Great video on No 1 MKIII enfield by Rob
Another great video shooting the Enfield. Rod has made another excellent video of the rifle and its use in WW1.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
100K views a mile stone for this blog
I thought I would not reach this point on this blog. But I finally made it. Thanks to all the folks that view this blog. I know that I need to put out more pictures of my work. More AAR reports but gaming has been very far between for me. Thinking about doing solo gaming a try. Also need to start selling off the mounts of figures that I have used in years. Ebay will be getting some posts to sell off my 15mm ancients. The sad part I painted these back in the last of the 80's. They never got used in a game.... Again thanks for following this blog.
Old Sarge
Old Sarge
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Japanese Goblins
Trying something new. I used my wife cellphone to take picture of these little devils. Really need to make a photo booth to take pictures. But back to the Goblins. These are the one made by AEG for the Five Clans miniature game. The sculpts was amazing. The Clan mniature can be found on ebay.
Antony Barton's painting guide.
AB miniatures to me are the Best miniature in 15mm around. I can look at his figures for hours. Basically marvel at the detail of his work. Lately I have been collecting his excellent 20mm WW2 figures. This is an outstanding line of miniatures. So I got a little off track here. Today I discovered that is painting guide is back on line. Mr Barton gives your a step by step guide how to paint his miniature. Here is the link to that article: Painting small figures
Images below are reference from his guide. All credit belong to Antony Barton for photos.
Images below are reference from his guide. All credit belong to Antony Barton for photos.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Check out Skull and Crown Blog
I found this blog on the Face book page called "Oldhammer in a new world" The group is using the the original Warhammer Fantasy books. I still have some of mine. I enjoyed playing the old version. This is before the magic part became over powering. All photos are from the Skull and Crown for reference only.
Skull and Crown.
Skull and Crown.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Ninjas for Daisho
Here is part of my ninja collection for Daisho, Oriental D & D and other RPG rules. Boy these figures have been hiding in a box for since the 1987. Haven't bought the Daisho rules and Ronin rules I had to find these battle harden veterans for a Oriental D & D campaign. That campaign lasted 5 yrs before the group broke up. As of late I have been buying up the oriental adventures off Ebay. The one I'm having problems finding the the Yakuzi adventure. That was the first big campaign I played with my son and daughter. Here are the picture of my ninja clan.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Nato 86 / southern front 15mm Spanish forces by Totentanz Miniature
Just found this on facebook. Totentanz Miniature is in the progress of manufacturing Nato Spanish Army. The figure and vehicles are very well done. AMX30 tanks, VEC 90 heavy recon vehicles, BMR wheeled APC and more. This is great for Yankee team. Check out the link to Totentanz:NATO 86/ Southern front
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Copplestone Colonial miniatures
Copplestone has two lines of miniature that would fit into the MWWBK colonial period. Darkest Africa and Back of Beyond. Darkest Africa is the German vs British colonial figures. While Back and Beyond is Bolsheviks, White Russian, Chinese and British. The Back and Beyond would be a better fit for In Her majesty's name or VSF. Personally I think these are just kool figures to have.
Copplestone can be found here: Copplestone castings. Now for the pictures.
Copplestone can be found here: Copplestone castings. Now for the pictures.
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Big Game Hunters |
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British Naval Officers |
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British naval landing party |
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German Officers |
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German Marines |
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German East Africa Company Askaris |
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Schutztruppe Askaris |
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More British Sailors |
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