Yom Kippour War

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Easy Eight Italian and British Weapon, Guns & Armor chart


  1. You are doing the world a great service posting up these BGWWII posts. Much appreciated. ;)

  2. Thanks Airbornegrove26. Is there any peculiar ones you are looking for. I have always thought the game was a good one.

  3. Thanks if you have the unique personality rules for major characters in the battle. From Red Devils in the Night that would be cool.

  4. Anything airborne, but I think you covered most of that. I have quite a few of the books, just never got the American Normandy, or Run on Berlin, or the Red Devils. Islands of Glory might be my favorite.

  5. Check Sir Hobbs. He has reprinted all of them. http://syrhobbswargames.com/ocart2/index.php?route=product/manufacturer/info&manufacturer_id=13 Or post your email let me what I can do
