Yom Kippour War

Friday, April 17, 2020

1/600 3d printed ships of the line

These have been printed using a resin printer.    Truly amazing, the cost of the print file is $10.00 ea.

For those who're interested in the period, I've finally managed to upload the first six of my 1/600 17th century ships for the Anglo-Dutch Wars to Wargaming3D.
Here are four of the ships, the two missing are HMS Prince (100 guns) and Zeven Provincien (80 guns); they were only finished up proper today but they're up there!

The files for the ships can be found here: Age of sails ships


  1. Do you think that you could print them in 1/350th and still have good detail?
    I have a bunch of the Zvezda kits but these would fill in gaps very well

  2. These are fantastic - 3D printing must be the way of the future I think, when I see some of the fabulous stuff that can be created with this technology!

    1. I agree Ross. WIth the resin printer under 300 US dollars it is the wave of the future. The latest resin is plant based.
