Yom Kippour War

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Solitaire ASL historical Campaign by Hans Mielants

This Solo campaign was designed by Hans Mielants in 2001.  His website is still around on yahoo way back. But for how long I do not know.  My best regards to Hans for outstanding love of the game.



SS-Division “Wiking”

Campaign in the Ukraine 1941

From Lviv to the Mius

Introduction : This is a SASL Historical Campaign recreating the SS-Division “Wiking”’s part of Operation Barbarossa.  You will find 25 Weekly Missions from July to December 1941.

General : Use 17. Solitaire Campaign rules.  17.21-24 are NA (see below).

Unit : 15. Kompanie/Standarte Nordland/SS-Division “Wiking”

Composition [US#56/42]: Leader x 4, 468 x 12, 248 x 2, 127 x 6, HMG, MMG, LMG x 6, 50mmMTR x 3, ATR x 3, Cycle x 8, Sidecar x 14 (motorcycles never count for US# calculation).

ELR : 5

Special :
v     The campaign is played in a weekly interval.  If desired players can pick one for every month.
v     Command structure
o       Company commander : SS-Hauptsturmführer Cesper
o       1. Zug : SS-Untersturmführer Caub
o       2. Zug : SS-Untersturmführer Pauli
o       3. Zug : SS-Obersharführer Goerling
o       4. Zug : SS-Untersturmfüher Peters
v     The 15th Company was the reconnaissance element of the Nordland regiment and had motorcycles (with sidecars).  These are permanently attached.
v     All 468 are considered SS for all rules purposes and have their broken morale raised by one.  The unit is Elite.
v     German units never have Winter Camouflage (E3.712).  On a dr £ 3 the Russians have it when Ground Snow is in effect and on a dr of £ 4 when Extreme Winter is in effect.
v     The FBE is West unless stated otherwise.

Mission 1 : First Contact.  Rawa Rusha, Ukraine.  1 July 1941

The SS-Division “Wiking” had been held in reserve of 1st Panzer Army in the opening stage of Operation Barbarossa.  In the last days of June the Nordland Regiment advanced into the vast Ukraine farmland.  15th Company was sent out to Recon. Only slight resistance was met and stragglers were rounded up and the regiment was able to continue to cruise through the steppe.

Type : Recon (3)
Mapboard selection : do not roll on A8e but directly on A9 Farmland with a -1 DRM
Initial mapboards :  Roll on A9 Farmland with a -1 DRM
Weather : EC are Dry with no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 2
There is an additional +1 DRM on tables R2, R3, R7 and R8
MSR 3 is NA

Mission 2 : Busting the Stalin Line.  Proskuriv, Ukraine, 8 July 1941

Near the end of the first week the first real resistance was met along the river Slutch being part of the Stalin Line.  Nordland regiment was ordered to take the bridge west of Proskuriv and clear the road for the rest of the division. After the first contact along the river some companies of the regiment laid a firebase and crossed it in force.  Although the first serious casualties had to be noted, one of whom was no less than CO Haupsturmführer Cesper, soon the road to the east lay open..  Obersturmführer Klapdor had taken over command of Nordland’s motorcycle company.

Type : River Assault (17)
Mapboard selection : See below.
Initial mapboards : Determine the eastern board as per A8d with a -2 DRM (and a -1 DRM applies to the subsequent A9 DR).  Western board is 40. 
Weather : EC are Dry with no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 3
There is an additional +1 DRM on tables R2, R3, R7 and R8

Mission 3 : Watch Out !  Balaia Cerkiv, Ukraine, 15 July 1941

After a successful advance of more than two weeks the Nordland regiment encountered the first staged counterattacks of the campaign. The battalions and support companies had to form a in depth line to hold off the Russian attacks supported by air.  After the initial onslaught the Russians were thrown back with heavy losses.

Type : Hold the Line (10)
Mapboard selection : A8e
Weather : EC are Dry with no Wind at start.
There is a -1 drm for both RE Numbers
Enemy ELR : 3
Read every Enemy RE of ≥ 61 results as RE 64-65
MSR 3 : No OBA and all guns received are 75* INF.

Mission 4 : Unknown Resistance.  Taratcha, Ukraine, 22 July 1941

After holding off the counterattacks Wiking Division cautiously advanced trying to locate enemy units south of Kiev.  Once again 15th company spearheaded Kampfgruppe von Scholz (CO of Nordland regiment).  Resistance was of variable quality and density and other companies were called in as soon as the company met more than it could handle.

Type : Coutious Advance (1)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8a but on A8d
Initial mapboards : Roll on A8d
Weather : EC are Moderate with a Mild Breeze from the Southeast.
Enemy ELR : Roll.  DR£5 = 4, DR 6-8 = 3, DR ³ 9 = 2
Friendly RE# is increased to 6/7 as soon as ³ 20 enemy units are on map

Mission 5 : Doomed Place.  Korsun, Ukraine, 29 July 1941

End of July saw the Wiking Division along the heights just west of the Dniepr.  They met growing resistance and then were attacked by massed tank units.  Some Kampfgruppe von Scholz elements had to fight for their life but again lack of coordination and tactical mistakes resulted in yet another Soviet failure. The Wiking troopers were relieved although they had seen nothing yet.  Little did they know they would be fighting for their lives “for real” within 2.5 years at almost exact the same place.

Type : Tank Attack (11)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on any A8 table but directly on A9 Hills wit a -1 DRM
Initial mapboards : Roll on A9 Hills with a -1 DRM
Weather : EC are Dry with a Mild Breeze from the Southeast
Enemy ELR : 3
Read every Enemy RE ≥ 55 as RE 55

Mission 6: The Kamela Cruise.  Kamela, Ukraine, 5 August 1941

After being released by other units Wiking Division pressed eastward along with the rest of the 1st Panzer Army.  Mostly only scattered resistance and/or retreating enemy units were met but sometimes coordinated action was required.

Type : Pursuit (15).
Weather : EC are Very Dry with a Mild Breeze from the Northwest. Steppe. Terrain (F13.2) is in effect.
Mapboard selection : Roll on following table


Enemy ELR : 2
S? Placement : Black S? as per 4.1b (read brush/woods as brush/hammada and on every coordinate) and 4.1e  Grey S? in each hex in a straight line (coordinate determined with a chit draw starting with the westernmost board) six hexesfrom the FBE and ending six hexes from the EBE.
Mission End : Starting at the end of turn 6 at the end of each player turn a roll of ≤ 3 ends the Mission immediately.
MSR 3 is NA

Mission 7 : Recon the city.  Dnieprodzherzinsk, Ukraine, 12 August 1941

After a lot of rural, farmland and steppe fighting Wiking Division met its first urban stronghold.  Some elite enemy units were reported and 15th Company had to recon the city.  Unaccustomed to the new terrain some units managed to get ambushed or were being repulsed with some losses.  The division would have to take the city by brute force.

Type : Recon (3)
Mapboard selection : do not roll on A8e but A9 City directly
Initial mapboards :  Roll on A9 Village for the friendly setup board and A9 City afterwards
Weather : EC are Dry with no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 3 for £ First Line and 4 for Elite units
There is an additional –2 DRM on R2 table
S? Placement:  Use 4.1d
VP Schedule : FRIENLDY side gains 1 VP for each VPO with none or unconcealed enemy units in addition to the Mission VP schedule.
MSR 3 is NA

Mission 8 : Assault the city.  Dnieprodzherzinsk, Ukraine, 19 August 1941

After the first recons it became clear that Dnieprodzherzinsk would not fall without an all out assault.  Well defended strongholds and little fortresses were defending the inner city and the Wiking Division and Wehrmacht elements had a lot of trouble pushing forward.

Type : The Fortress (6)
Mapboard selection : do not roll on A8b but directly on A9 City
Initial mapboards :  Roll on A9 City.
Weather : EC are Moderate with a Mild Breeze from the  Northeast.
Enemy ELR : 3
There is an additional –1 DRM on R2 table
Every doubles on the A1 table results in a possible fortification being activated on the A5 table but with a +1 drm.
MSR 2 is NA
German RE generated units are Wehrmacht on a DR ≤ 7.

Mission 9 : Across the Dniepr.  Dnieprodzherzinsk, Ukraine, 26 August 1941

Slowly making their way through the city Nordland Regiment closed in on the huge Dniepr river and was ordered to create a bridgehead to facilitate the future drive to the east of the First Panzer Army.  Even before getting over the river they were pounded by artillery cadet units from the city itself.  Although the Scandinavians experienced one of the toughest artillery barrages of the war they managed yet again to realise their objectives.

Type : Bridgehead (18)
Mapboard selection : See below.
Initial mapboards : Roll directely on A9 Village for the central board and roll on A8d for the eastern board.  Western board is 7. 
Weather : EC are Dry with a Mild Breeze from the Northwest.
Night rules are in effect (S12.8) with Half Moon and no Cloud Cover.  NVR is 4.  Both Enemy and SS Majority Squad Type are Normal, Wehrmacht are Lax.
Enemy ELR : 3
There is an additional +1 DRM on tables R2, R3, and R7 but a – 1 drm on the R8 table
Read Enemy generated RE of ≤ 31 as RE 31.
Treat Soviet Artillery as if the were German as per C1.3
MSR 2 Take only ½ (FRU) of the German US# as offboard S? but add 3 artillery strikes which will be activated as soon as one German unit lands on the left side (eastern river bend) of the river.
German RE generated units are Wehrmacht on a DR ≤ 7.
After the Mission note all concealment terrain occupied by friendly units.

Mission 10 : Hurrah !  Dnieprodzherzinsk, Ukraine, 2 September 1941

Thinking they had seen already about everything the Soviets had up their sleaves Klapdor’s men were in for a nasty surprise.  For the first time they experienced the massive “Hurrah” coming from a Human Wave trying to crush the bridgehead.  Nordland and its Wehrmacht friends would hold the bridgehead for more than a week before the remainder of the Wiking Division would join them on the far side of the river..

Important : If last Mission failed to create a bridgehead repeat that Mission in daylight conditions without refitting.

Type : Human Wave (14)
Mapboard selection : Take the same configuration as last Mission without the river board. Friendly units can set up within 3 hexes of a concealment terrain occupied during last Mission. Add another board for every board (EXC the river board) with German units during last Mission using A8c with a -1 DRM for the subsequent A9 roll
Weather : EC are Moderate with a Mild Breeze from the Northwest.
Enemy ELR : 3
German RE generated units are Wehrmacht on a DR ≤ 7.

Mission  11 : The Kamenka Crush.  Kamenka. Ukraine, 9 September 1941

Steiner’s division just had a very tough fight in holding the bridgehead or it was ordered to move back to the right side of the river and clear the town of Kamenka west of Kremenchoug. Resistance was variable but the absence of Soviet artillery made the task feasible.  After a few days the remaining 5000 Soviet soldiers on the right riverbank surrendered to the Wikings.

Type : Pockets (2)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8a but A8b
Initial mapboards :  use configuration B FBE is south, east and west.
Weather : EC are Moderate with a Mild Breeze from the  North.
Enemy ELR : 2
There is an additional –1 DRM on R2 table
S? Placement as per 4.1a and 4.1e

Mission  12 : The Kremenchoug Clearing.  Kremenchoug. Ukraine, 16 September 1941

With the Dniepr line secured the Wiking Division moved to the northeast along the far side of the Dniepr to clear the city of Kremenchoug. With the Germania Regiment experiencing a Human Wave counterattack too Nordland elements had to cover the division’s flank.  The city was taken in one swift swoop without the division’s flank being endangered.

Type : Cautious Advance (1)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8a but on A8d
Initial mapboards : Roll on A8d
Weather : EC are Moderate with a Mild Breeze from the West
Enemy ELR : 2

Mission 13 : Kampfgruppe von Reitzenstein.  North of Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 23 September 1941

In order to attack the enemy forces still blocking the bridgehead in the back Steiner decided to create a reconnaissance kampfgruppe made up of the Recon Battalion and the motorcycle companies of Westland and Nordland under command of Recon Battalion CO Sturmbannführer Baron von Reitzenstein.  Roaming during night they stumbled into a Soviet reconnaissance party and by the time the sun rose they were completely intermingled.  When the dust cleared a mass of Soviet vehicles were captured.

Type : Patrol (8)
Mapboard selection : do not roll on A8* but on A8e
Initial mapboards :  Roll on A8e
Weather : EC are Moist with a Mild Breeze from the Northwest.
Enemy ELR : 3
Temporary Attached units : Armor Leader x 2, PSW221 x 1, PSW222 x 5, PSW231(8rad) x 1
All non-motorised Soviet units come with a transport vehicle : roll on R7
Each final even DR on the Table A1 is considered to be a Recon vehicle and the printed result is ignored : roll on R6b

Mission  14 : The Melitopol Pocket.  North of Melitopol, Ukraine, 30 September 1941

Marching east towards Pavlograd  the Wiking Division was ordered to move to the south and help sealing off the Melitopol pocket.  Scattered resistance and feable counterattacks to reopen the pocket failed and another large pocket of about 60000 Soviet soldiers surrendered.

Type : Cautious Advance (1)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8a but on A8d
Initial mapboards : Roll on A8d
Weather : EC are Moist with a Mild Breeze from the Northeast
Enemy ELR : 2
Enemy AC : 2
There is a – 2 drm for Friendly RE number determination
The Soviets receive an offboard pool of grey S? equal to 1/3 US# (FRU) of the German units.  These grey S? and all units activated from them have an Advance Attitude.

Mission  15 : Rasputista.  Ignatevka. Ukraine, 7 October 1941

All past successes could not disguise the fact that the Germans were behind schedule and with the Summer season over another enemy joined the fray : King Mud.  With heavy rains the landscape changed in a blurry mess where vehicles and men got stuck and were unable to advance. It took ages to advance and clear the remaining pockets of resistance along the way.

Type : Pockets (2)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8a but A8d
Initial mapboards :  use configuration A FBE is south and west.
Weather : EC are Mud with Rain and with a Mild Breeze from the North.
Enemy ELR : 2

Mission  16: First Snow. Amvrosievka. Ukraine, 14 October 1941

Mud was replaced with snow after only a week and allowed for some renewed mobility.  15th Company was ordered to recon the town of Amvrosievka southeast of Stalino.  Obersturmführer Klapdor sent Untersturmführer Petz forward with some Kubelwagen but they were ambushed costing Petz his life.


Type : Recon (3)
Mapboard selection : See Below
Initial mapboards :  Use A8e for the initial two boards.  The first board activated has to be done one A9 Village, the following boards are on A8e again.
Weather : EC are Wet with Falling Snow and no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 3
S? Placement:  Use 4.1d.
MSR 3 is NA
You get an additional 3 x Kfz 1 Kubelwagen.  Roll as per H1.41 for optional armament.


Mission  17: Stoï !  Amvrosievka. Ukraine, 21 October 1941

Alte Fritz was a bit depressed by this new drawback and it took a stunt from the Dane Hauptsturmführer von Schalburg from Divisional HQ to convince Von Scholz.  He dressed up as a Soviet officer and drove on a Soviet artillery tractor to the enemy lines, interrogated some NCO’s informing them he was Marshal Voroshilov, drove back and reported Soviet strength to Von Scholz.  Nordland attacked the next day and cleared the road for the division.  Soviet prisoners reported that the Germans had missed a big catch since Marshal Voroshilov had just visited the town the day before…

Type : Take the Highway (5)
Mapboard selection : See below
Initial mapboards :  Use the same configuration as previous Mission.
Weather : EC are Wet with Ground Snow and Overcast.
Enemy ELR : 3

Mission 18 : Crazy Krynka.  Kolpakovka, Ukraine, 28 October 1941

15th Company was again in the lead of the Nordland Regiment as Soviet elements tried to make a stand along the small river Krynka near Kolpakovka.  With a lot of cunning they quickly eliminated Soviet resistance and occupied Kolpakovka.

Type : River Assault (17)
Mapboard selection : See below.
Initial mapboards : Determine the eastern board as per A8d (and a -1 DRM applies to the subsequent A9 DR).  Western board is 40 (a two lane wooden bridge exists from Q2 to Q3)
Weather : EC are Wet with Overcast and no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 2
Mission End : Start rolling as per Mission at then end of Game Turn 8.
There is an additional +1 DRM on tables R2, R3, R7 and R8
VP Schedule : Each bridge hex is worth 5 VP
MSR 2 is NA

Mission 19 : This Terrible Swift Chachka.  Dmitrienko, Russia, 4 November 1941

Crossing the Russian-Ukraine border they met yet another but larger river called the Mius.  Nordland did not waste any time and established a bridgehead south of Dmitrienko, a town southeast of Kubjetsevo.  Not much later they witnessed a scene out of history : Hundreds of Cossacks were charging towards them, their chachka sabres in their hands. They were cut to pieces and only a handful managed to escape. Wounded prisoners told them they had been mistaken them for a Soviet unit until too close when all they could do was charge…

Type : Bridgehead (18)
Mapboard selection : See below.
Initial mapboards : Roll for the central board on A8d for the central and eastern boards.  Western board is 8. 
Weather : EC are Wet with Ground Snow and a Mild Breeze from the Northeast.
Enemy ELR : 3
MSR 2 : Each infantry unit from activated grey S? (EXC if PP of a SW is ≥ 4) will come as Cavalry A13.

Mission 20 : Encountering the T-34.  Dmietrenko, Russia, 11 November 1941

Only just were the panzerjäger installing their PaK’s in the bridgehead as the first enemy tanks appeared.  Although the gunners easily hit their targets there every round bounced off these vehicles’ armor.  They had to resort to deliberate immobilisations to stop the monsters. The Wikings had just made acquaintance with the most famous Soviet tank : the T-34.

Type : Tank Attack (11)
Mapboard selection : Roll on A8e
Initial mapboards : Roll on A8e
Weather : EC are Wet with Ground Snow and no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 3
MSR 4 is NA.  Take 4 x 37mm PaK 35/36
MSR 7 A DR on Table R6 of ≤ 4 will result in a T-34M41, a roll of 5-8 will result in a
T-34M40, threat rolls of ≥ 9 as per Table R6.

Mission 21 : The Rostov Trap.  Darjevka, Russia, 18 November 1941

The SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler division had taken Rostov but the gate to the Caucasus had proven a trap for the German forces and were assaulted from every side.  Nordland was defending one of the Rostov suburbs, Darjevka, against the Soviet onslaught.  Thanks to the help of a piece of 88mm FlaK Soviet troops were held back. 1st Panzer Army’s commander von Kleist decided to give up Rostov since it was threatened to be cut offs.

Type : Hold the Line (10)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8e but on A8b
Turn the boards 90° to the left, FBE is south
Weather : EC are Snow with Ground Snow and no Wind at start.
Enemy ELR : 3
MSR 3 is NA : You get one 88mm FlaK 18.
MSR 7 : all activated squads are 468 SS

Mission 22 : Covering 1st Panzer Army’s Withdrawal.  Astachovo, Russia, 25 November 1941

With Rostov lost 1st Panzer Army had to withdraw to defensible positions.  Wiking was given the order to cover that withdrawal.  This meant a lot of ground had to be covered : Nordland was responsible for more than 40 km of frontage ! Alte Fritz kept 15. Kompanie in reserve but had toput them in action after 2nd Battalion was engulfed.  After helping the Battalion the motorcyclists clung onto the town, with Untersturmführer Friedel being wounded, untill all elements of Nordland had withdrawn.  Obersturmführer Klapdor was the last German to quit Astachovo.  Retreating from the village the columns were struck by artillery causing even more losses.

Type : Escape (19)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8e but see below
Initial mapboards : Roll A9 Farmland for the westernmost and central boards and on A9 Village for the easternmost board.
Weather : EC are Snow with Deep Snow and Hard Wind from the East.
Enemy ELR : 3
You get an additional 3 x Kfz 1 Kubelwagen.  Roll as per H1.41 for optional armament.


Mission 23 : White Hell.  Blakovo, Russia, 2 December 1941

Although the Tuslov river had been chosen as the main line of the defence the situation was too instable. The frontline became very fuzzy and it was hard to tell were the enemy was.  In few cases some companies and even whole battalions were cut off and/or run over by storming Soviet units.  It was decided to pull back once again on the Mius river.

Type : Besieged (12)
Mapboard selection : As stated
Initial mapboards : As stated
Weather : EC are Snow with Deep Snow, Extreme Winter and a Hard Wind from the Northeast
Enemy ELR : 3

Mission 24 : Back on the Mius.  Golodajevka, Ukraine, 9 December 1941

Wiking Division moved back to the Mius with some difficulty.  The Soviets were not willing to wait and managed to get across the frozen Mius near Russkoje and at the Slovak held sector around Golodajevka.  Steiner scrambled a Kampfgruppe from parts of his Engineer Battalion, 15th Company of Nordland Regiment and some Wehrmacht Panzers.  The desperate Germans managed to push the Soviets back over the river.

Type : Block Party (7)
Mapboard selection : See below.
Initial mapboards : Take board 8.  Turn North arrow 90° to the left (the board number is turned to the north on a dr £ 3).
Weather : EC are Snow with Ground Snow, Extreme Winter and a Mild Breeze from the Northeast.  The river is Frozen.
Enemy ELR : 3
Friendly RE is 3/4
VP Schedule :
v     First, second and thrid are in effect, fourth is not.
v     The ENEMY gains 5 pre-game VP for the Slovak and tank component (MSR 4)
v     The ENEMY gains VP for every good order unit on the west side of the river.
v     The FRIENDLY side gains 1 VP for each building controlled on the west side of the river.
MSR 4 is NA.  You receive
v     Slovak elements : 8-1, 8-0, 347 x 6, 137 x 2, LMG, MMG with an ELR of 2.
v     Wehrmacht (non elite) Panzer elements : 8-1 AL, PzKpfw IIIH x 2, PzKpfw IVE
MSR 5 and 6 are NA

Mission 25 : Alte Fritz.  Russkoje, Ukraine, 16  December 1941

Only shortly after the Mius line was restored and the Nordland units were be back in their trenches the Soviets assaulted once again.  The bitter cold raged as much through the ranks as the Russian soldiers but the river line was held.  Second half of December was to become quite but even colder.  When Regimental CO Standartenführer “Alte Fritz” Von Scholz visited the trenches things looked grim but his regiment would hold their line all winter and would be on the move again next summer, towards the Caucasian mountains.

Type : Hold the Line (10)
Mapboard selection : Do not roll on A8e
Initial mapboards : Eastern board is 7. Roll on A9 Farmland for the Western board.  German units can set up west of the river.
Weather : EC are Snow with Ground Snow, Falling Snow and Extreme Winter and a Hard Winds from the East.  The river is Frozen.
Enemy ELR : 3
VP Schedule :
v     Both are in effect
v     Soviet side gains 1 VP for every building and Trench counter west of the river under control on board 7.
MSR 2 : In addition to the dr the Geman player gets 12 x Trench counters.
MSR 6 is NA.  Treat Trench counters as German occupied VPO.
MSR 7 : Make only 3 dr to determine the number of German squads.

© 2002 By Hans Mielants
Sources : Jean Mabire “La Division Wiking : Dans l’Enfer Blanc 1941-1943” Fayard, 1980.
                George Nafziger “German OoB WW II. Volume 2” 1994.

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