Yom Kippour War

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Someone asked me what did I carry in Nam

 Well here is you answer.  M-69 grenade launcher.   At the bottom of the picture the short stubby round are cannister rounds.  Basically the only round I had for self protection.  The brigade would not issue me a 45 sidearm.  The claymore everyone had to carry.  A couple hand grenades.  Plus M60 linked ammo. Not pictures here as I told I was already an explosive bomb.  At this time I weight 135lbs. Felt like a freakin pack mule.  Being in I Corp the terrain was large mountainous. 52yrs ago is when the picture was taken.



  1. I had vest that held a bunch of rounds. The rest had been stuff in the backpack. The claymore strapped to the backpack frame. I would guess that is weight between 70 & 80 lbs. Some of the Iraq vets said them had been packing over a hundred pounds. But that is the way of soldiers life.

  2. The worst part is that you carry it around not needing it for ages, then when things go to shit you think that you don't have enough!

  3. Fek, decent load out, they were hard to get used to, I do remember trying to drop them into windows on the range.

