Yom Kippour War

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Wonderful world of dice and their sizes.

 Okay you must think I slipped a cog.  I'm in the process of designing a new game stand for Anton's Air war game.  The plan is to incorporate a dice holder on the stand. This is where I discovered what is a standard size for a die.  The answer is in Millimeters 12.  But you also have 1/2-inch die size in the US. Which is 12.7mm.  Now for the gaming geeks here is what I discovered.  Plus, the official weight of each type of die.  Looks like you can find ot if your buddied have loaded dice....lol  

Here is a link to a company that will making dice for you. Plus, anything you will need for creating a game from cards to cardboard counters. Broad game maker


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