The war end. Father and father in law fought the war. My Father in Europe. My Father in law in the pacific, from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa. They fought for our freedom. Today we sit at home because of an order by the Governor. She is clueless right of the people given by the constitution. So food for thought who really won after 75 years..

Within the confines of the lockdown, there's been a very worthy celebration in the UK today and plenty of coverage in the press and TV this week. Lots of photos of GIs celebrating in London!
ReplyDeleteThe historical illiteracy of the American population is deafening. A product of an educational system informed by the likes of Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky. The Left doesn't like it when you talk about freedom. Our Dictator sits in Lansing in direct violation of the State Constitution which only allows her 28 days on an Emergency Executive Order, that is long past yet the media say nothing. This is how freedomn dies, not with a bang, but a whimper.